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What is Chiropractic?

The purpose of chiropractic care is not the treatment of conditions or disease; rather, it is the restoration of normal body function. As chiropractors, we work with the nervous system though the spine and spinal adjustments.  All the systems of the body — hormonal, digestive, immunological, reproductive, skeletal and circulatory — are controlled and coordinated by our central nervous system.The chiropractic adjustment removes stress related interference to the nervous system, thereby enhancing overall body function.

Who needs Chiropractic Care?

Simply put, if you have a spine you should be under chiropractic care! Regardless of whether you are in pain or not, the chiropractic approach will help you to function, heal and live at full potential. Every cell, muscle, organ and organ system is controlled and coordinated by our spinal nerves. Ensuring our spine is in alignment and moving properly ensures that the nervous system is communicating optimally! Although our office specializes in pregnancy and pediatrics, we serve everyone! From hours old to 100+ our office is skilled to serve your needs. 

Prenatal Chiropractic

Can you go to a chiropractor while pregnant? Yes! In fact, it is recommended. Studies show that regular chiropractic care during pregnancy:

-reduces labor times by 25-31%

-reduces pain during pregnancy  

-helps the baby assume a healthy position in-utero


The Webster Technique is a specific method of evaluating and correcting a mother's pelvis to restore proper movement and alignment so the baby can move freely and position themselves in the best position for birth.  When the mother’s pelvis is out of alignment, the ligaments that connect from the pelvis to the uterus increase their tension (tone) resulting in a distortion to the uterine space. When this happens it can become difficulty for the baby to move freely and comfortably within the pelvis.

​This particular technique requires additional training. Check to make sure your chiropractor has this training and is Webster Certified.

Why would an infant or child need chiropractic care?
Pregnancy and birth can be traumatic for both the mother and child! Breech or posterior positioning during pregnancy can place long term pressure on the infants' spine creating stress and injury. Additionally, there are many forces placed on the infant during the birth process that can create spinal nerve interference during delivery. When left uncorrected these injuries and nerve interferences can cause:
- difficulty nursing

- torticolis

- digestive conditions

- colic

- reflux

- delays in developmental milestones

Addressing the nerve interference will allow the child to grow and develop to their full potential! It is never too early to get a child check. In fact, many families bring their child in within the first week of life. Infant adjustments are extremely gentle! The force used to address an infant is similar to the force you would use to check the ripeness of a tomato. There is no "cracking" with this technique! 

Postpartum Care

CONGRATULATIONS!!! You just did an absolutely incredible and selfless thing. Let's take a moment to honor your body and express some gratitude for the strength and resilience you possess! It's obvious to most people why a pregnant woman would need chiropractic care! But why is it important to continue care in to the postpartum phase? 

1.) During the late stages of pregnancy and throughout labor the hormone relaxin is released. This causes the ligaments of the hips and lumbar spine to soften so the joints can widen for birth. It’s amazing! However, this hormone also causes the ligaments to become lax which leads to altered movement patterns of the low back and hips and puts us at higher risk of low back and pelvis misalignments.

2.) Hormone fluctuations: Estrogen levels during pregnancy are up to 100 times higher than what they typically are during your cycle. After giving birth estrogen levels decrease dramatically (especially within the first 24 hours!). Proper spinal alignment and nerve function can help to ensure the body is adapting to these changes as best as possible!

3.) Nursing, car seats, feeding, carrying, multitasking. All of these things require gumby-ninja positioning which is a lot of strain to the mid back, neck, shoulders and wrists. The repetition of these movements can lead to injuries and discomfort not just in the neck and back, but the shoulders, elbows and wrists as well.

And these are just a few changes that happen in the postpartum period! Getting your spine and nervous system checked during this period will help to optimize communication between the brain and the body allowing for optimal adaptation and healing for the body during this massive transition.

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